'HOME/LAND' was a project from 2023 that we also featured during our 2024 festival. We've had so many requests about this special project, we've decided to leave it up until the end of March. Enjoy!
~The M&B Crew

What do the words Home and/or Land mean to you?

We asked a number of Galway County residents to respond to this question and recorded our conversations. This resulted in wonderful chats by the sea, in the back of pubs, over tea at kitchen tables and even in a hedge! The following recordings are brief glimpses of insights, moments of reflection, and some snippets of stories from the lives of very different people. This project was made possible with the kind support of Galway County Council Arts Office and The Arts Council of Ireland. 

About the Ínterviewer - Órla Mc Govern

Órla is an award-winning storyteller, performer and writer based in Galway. As well as being the Artistic Director of Moth & Butterfly, she performs, tells stories, and leads workshops at venues small and large around the world.

And My Plan Is Having No Plan - Emma Lohan

We recorded Emma just after a gig in her hometown of Barna. Huddled in a hedge at the back of the pub, she spoke about her time living in Spain and moving back to Co. Galway, and the difference in the energy of both lands. Emma is a musician with a well travelled dog, and she wrote the music that floats throughout this piece.

Up The Suez Canal Anois - Máirín Mhic Lochlainn

Máirín is a storyteller and a native Irish speaker. Our chat happened in an Island cottage, with waves lapping outside, as she reflected on dreams of travel, and on memories and images of her own land and language.

Bye-Roads & Time Team - Dolores Lyne

Time stood still when I sat down with Dolores, and I could have listened to her lilting voice paint stories for hours on end. Dolores is a visual artist, originally from Kerry, now living In Co.Galway near a beautiful lake.

Old Maps & Atoms - John Durning

John is a man well known in Arts circles, particularly in the West of Ireland. He’s has also been known to play a mean guitar lick. We chatted over tea and potato cakes that were perfect for a late morning.

Sing My Heart Away - Grace O’Brien

Tea at the kitchen table is where we chatted, and Grace spoke about the different ways that home, and family appear in her life, including being part of Blue Teapot, and if you hear Britney Spears  songs rising up from a botharín in An Spidéal of a Saturday, now you have a possible suspect!

Wild Horses & Small Shrines - Lelia Ní Chathmhaoill

Lelia is a visual artist living in South Connemara. We spoke in front of a lovely fire, surrounded by photographs, strung seaweed, and precious pieces of driftwood. Lelia remembers her art in the landscape.

A Key In A Lock - Kate O’Toole

Kate is an Actor, with huge roots in Connemara. Our recording happened in a hotel room, over falafel sandwiches, which seemed very fitting given the memories of globe trotting, yet having a constant in the West of Ireland.

Peaceful At Home - Paul Connolly

Paul is a member of the Blue Teapot Theatre Company. As we walked, Paul pointed out the sights near and far. Connemara showed all its duality with the beautiful bright sun, and the whipping wind. This chat is dedicated to Paul’s ‘Warrior Person’ neighbour, John Murphy who passed away (at a great age) a little while after our recording.  Ar Dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Ferrets & The Gorse In May - Margaret Irwin West.

We recorded Mo (after the best lunch and laughter) in her home overlooking Omey Strand. Mo is an artist and printmaker as well as a member of Aosdana. Born in India, living in Claddaghduff, Connemara, she relishes the all stories that are embedded in a landscape, including her own.

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